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Monday, May 19, 2008

my mummy is awesomely cute

Sam laughed at me when i told him i will lose weight by end of the year and i will look hot :-P T_T You looked down on me ar ! O_O He happily said, " by the time you go back end of the year later he dont recognise you how? Then you GG." T_T I'll still look hot. Adorable. Like me : ) hahah!
So starting from today onwards, i'll only suggest going for breakfast or late lunch and must include salad in one of our meals : D
Aiya, support me abit la. I want to be healthy : D *im serious!*
So let's all be healthy together with me : D But thennn, i always crave for cakes or sweet stuffs. I got a sweet tooth O_O When i told mummy this, she told me, "dont eat so much sweet stuffs" Fat ar. You already out on so much weight when you came back last year." =_=""
My mummy dont love me. Hahaha ..
Then, yesterday I was msn-ing with mummy and daddy. My mummy dam cute.
Because my nickname in msn is Baby Kathryn Rice, my mummy called me baby rice. Hahaha!
And she was saying,
"Baby, your display picture dam cute. What you eating ? "
" Is that a new top?? Shop again ar " T_T
" you finish the whole roti telur yourself????? Why you eat so much?"
"how much you weight now? Control your food consumption. Later you look ugly in all your pretty clothes"
See, my mummy dam cute right? Hahaha. And also mean! Tsk tsk..
She dam scared no one wants me. hahah..
This is my msn display picture. Dam adorable right. hahaha!
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