Happy 21st Kok Wee : ) I know you will enjoy your 21st to the fullest. You always do. You enjoy your working to the fullest, your studies to the fullest *which explains why you always mia from class* hahaha
(cause im not in msia thats why right! LMAO) , holidays to the fullest and such. My partner in crime and shopping and bitching : P

I wont photoshop or add any effect on the picture because firstly im too lazy to and because im just lazy :P Besides, I got too many pictures of you posing O___________o My albums of any of the outing consist mainly pictures of you =_="""""
But I also got alot pictures of myself. Wtf Cos i dun want to lose to you. hahaha I choose this because you look nice despite that I know you will said, "I look nice in every pictures that i took" *cough* *vain* *cough* *pei look* : P You, spoiling my suprise moment for you guys T_T
*checking the schedule of MAS when i lie about the date im coming home* -_-''''''''''''''''''' You saying i put on weight when i first met up with you guys T_______T *you hurt my pride k* :P Hahaha .. Dam freaking honest lor. Greet me with such comments. Sighs!

You dam layan me with silly poses and taking millions of pictures with me until Yinz became our photographer :P heheh! And she complains that she always have to take pictures for us. And sharing the evil joke and dam super layan my whine and bitchy comments :D haha. Shopping like mad like me. oh wait you shopped more than me! tsk tsk..

You saying, "let's take pictures with different poses and styles"

You doing mean stuffs that amused me kao kao during my 21st and pei min me whenever I asked u for a favor : )

I recalled you sending me off when it's my first time flying off to Melbourne, and when the both of us asked you to act cute, you told us, "sorry. I dont know how to act cute. Cos thats not me" =_=""""""""""""""" And when i enter the boarding gate,
Yinz cried like mad but all you said was, " I will see you in Melbourne in a few days time" =_=""" *but i know that time you are sad la.. HAHAHA.. right? : P *
Thank you for helping me to bring my stuffs over when my luggage was obviously overweight and exploring all the parks together because you were broke cos of *cough* Crown .. And you being the Kok Wee I know :) Mr supermodel, Vain, PaPe, Unique and uhm weird interesting : P haha
Happy 21st once again! :) :) :)
Don't be too wild ! and please fly over here to find me and rica soon! :D hahaha! our meeting point will be at collins street? :D :D And i know you are proud of me ? ;) xoxo
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my supermodel birthday post
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