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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Something inside of me

This time it'll be different. I can just feel it.

It is true that you know starting over is good. Starting over with responsibilities are what everyone has or encounter. I miss Melbourne. I miss heading back there every beginning year since 2007. I know that every year I leave Melbourne with a heavy heart. But this year, I miss that feeling of leaving Melbourne. I miss hoping on that 8 hours flight back there, which I called my home for 3 years.

Summer holiday was long and complicated. Problems after problems. But I think being positive throughout everything is the best solution anyone and yourself can give. Every problems have it's own solutions. You just need to step out and think and understand.

Summer holidays went pass so quickly. Eeek! And a new challenge is what I have ahead of me :/ Throughout the 3 months plus, I lost someone special to me. Because of my mistakes. Because of what I think it's right or perhaps not :/ I guess realizing my mistakes were a little too late. But I am making or trying to make up for the mistakes. To be a better person :)

Not sure whether this upcoming adventure will do me good or will not. But I know it will do me good. I am in a stage where I am still improving myself :) This adventure will be soon over before I even know it. I just know it.

Let's strap on the belt and let this adventure begin :)

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