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Friday, December 11, 2009

Let's do it here our way

One of the Wednesday, 25th November, after a few days I'm back home, the girls decided to head to Rootz.
It was a last minute plan.We only started planning on the day itself.
Despite the last minute plan, we had fun.
Spontaenous planning is better than a thorough planning.
My primary school mates were there.
My melbourne kakis were there.
My close friends were there :)
The only missing people were Babi & Jassy :(

Outside Rootz. While waiting for the rest.
With mummy Yinz :)
My one of the Fourth-ish S. :)

With Kai Han.
Im nearly the same height as you! :D

my Chicas. *loves*

Inside the famous Rootz toilet :)
me, Wei Ping, Kelly, Yinz

Finding for more alcohol to force people to drink.Lol
That night, Weips & I were forcing everyone to drink. Haha.

Marshy &Yinz..
I miss you Marshy... :(
Hope everything is going good :)

Ivin, Weiping, Kelly, me.

with Zam.. :)

my hot friend :)

ming Wei, gan, Zam & abit of Kelly ..

One of Gan's famous self-layan picture :P

Friend since Standard one! :)
And i still remember how mischevious we were back in primary school :P

Gan, Ivin, Zam..... and Kelvin self-layan himself -_-

*ahem* *ahem* *ahem*
Enough said :P

Hello Wilson...
When there's alcohol, there's you :P

Lester & Weiping :)

Bumped into JeeChen :)

Zam zam, what are you whispering? :P

Gan & I

A tomato face me -_______-
Blood circulation too good . Wtf

I love her :)
My pillars of strengths :)

the girlies girlies that are sober :D

I can't remember what time we left Rootz because *ahem* the driver *ahem* Kai Han was abit too tipsy and was SS-ing himself in the car :P

And after consumption of alcohols, supper is a must.... :D

We had supper in Alsafa and Eevon, Mich &Colin drop by after their karaoke session.

:) :)

Rootz was awesome. A too much alcohol night AGAIN.
And had too much supper -________-
Bryan ffk. That bugger.
But nothing beats the music in 7! :)

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