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Sunday, August 23, 2009

They have my backs

I have enough. I decided what should I do. I can't be bothered anymore. Even when no one understand and are so selfish of themselves only, good for you. Because then I will know I can't be bothered about it anymore. I do things my way. I don't need anyone to help me or trying to help me. Because I believe in achieving things my own way. Don't think you/them/they know me so well because there are more than what you can see. I closed the door to it. :) Why is it everytime people keep running to me when they have problems and when I need a shoulder to cry on, they only rant about their own problems? I give up. I had a long talk with yunnie dearie and seriously after talking to her, I feel a little better. She knows how to do miracle. (R) yun said: baby kat,you're a stronger person than who you think you possess.i know can make it,its just a matter of time. u know,everyone has a talent. a talent of music,a talent of science and technical stuff,a talent of comfort and care,a talent of strength..a talent of love..the list goes on and on. you have the natural born talent to let people feel comfortable and confident.because of you,alot of us put a smile on our faces even when the time is tough and the road is bumpy. look at how wonderful of a person you are der.i treausure you alot.regardless how long we never meet but ive always been thankful that yin introduced you to me.dont give up easily okie.look at all the beautiful qualities you possess honey.we are all here.REMEMBER.i wish you're now in msia or us okie.or that we are all there Thank you for believing in me. When everyone has doubts and judge me, I know you all never will do such things. My Fourth-ish S and rice family. !-- AddToAny Share/Save BEGIN -->

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