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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Drama Queen is my middle name

I was in a panic and drama queen mode yesterday morning to be precise until at night. The reason so? My msn and hotmail email got hacked ! -_________________- fml *breathe breathe* I was panic, emo, sad, depressed and angry. But fortunately for me, thank you all for helping me :) Cos an angry kat is not a pretty sight :P Jas bimbo came over yesterday to help me with my problem *love* Jay for trying to find all solutions for me :) Babi for helping me with the mandarin settings thingy. (Bugger, when i finally solve my hacked issue, I found out the person that hacked my account its someone that read mandarin. If i ever found out who hacked my account, I will hunt down the person!) *breathe Breathe* LOL Jyushiang for helping me with the feedback and all. (I felt bad cos i woke him up from his sleep * sheepish smile*) Chris for helping me step by step because he knows I'm too lazy and I hate complicated things. It's a brand new day :) Have a good weekend :) Two more to go! :) I smell freedom :) !-- AddToAny Share/Save BEGIN -->


  1. So weird, why wud the fella wanna hack u?

  2. sue : i dunno.. stupidddd whoever the fella is -______-

  3. Yeah man, damn STUPID


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