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Monday, May 04, 2009

Read this and be grateful

Let me share a story with you :) A story that inspire me and touched my heart :) One time when I was a graduate student, sad about some stupid grade, I was moping my way into the subway on my way home. An old, unkempt street fellow was standing by the entrance to the subway. As any good, perpetually defensive New Yorker learns to do, I averted my eyes to avoid contact. But he managed to get my attention by saying, "You're such a beautiful young lady -- you should be smiling". I was thunderstruck He didn't ask for anything; he gave me a gift. I imagine he'll never find out the impact he had on me that day and in the almost three decades since then. But he reminded me of two important things: one, that everybody has something to give, and two, no matter what you're feeling or experiencing at the moment, you also have many blessings." Yes, this story might not make sense to some people but it does. It really touched my heart :) Thank you for sharing this story with me yunnie. Test on Friday :( Save me:( !-- AddToAny Share/Save BEGIN -->

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