I was talking to my yun yesterday night. Miss that silly girl man. She alwis got a way to make me cry :( With all her encouraging words and not forgetting always believing in me despite that I know I made mistakes all the time. She still and does encourage me to believe in myself and find a way to forgive myself of making silly mistakes. Awwww baby yun, you alwis know the right thing to say. Not seeing you when i come back end of the year is gona be heartbreaking. No more syok sendiri anymore! :( how can.. sighs. And smally yinz.. where have you been ?!??!?!!?!?!?? Having a small little talk with you yesterday was awesome. Miss you like mad my smally ! :D Remember double S's?? :P :P hahaha... And me super vain commenting myself adorable :D AHAHHAHAHA.... *pushing the blame on mr pape* :D :D HAHAHA Talking to smally alwis made me laugh like mad because she dam layan me wan :D And .... I finally managed to went to my 9am lecture today *proud* *proud* Been one half late since week 1 till before easter break. Then, after easter break totally never go at all :D :D hahahha *proud also* wtf :P But because CinVin made me promised her that I will meet her at Caufield train station at 830. If not, I conderfirm will off my alarm and go back to sleep =P HAHAHA.. Omg.. I did a silly mistakes today -_-"""" I happily validate (and wasted!) my 2x10 tickets believing that Berwick is in Zone 1.. Happily told CinVin that I bought 2x10 ticket and validated it somemore *double -_-"""" * Turned out I gotto get the zone 2 ticket .. and I made her ran like mad in order to not miss the train :P :P HAHAHAHAAH .. *dam shy* Omg... I want to confess a sin that i did today. I skipped lecture to go shopping .. And Siu gave in to shopping as well :P *naughty girl* :P We went Fountain Gate. Bought a pair of shoes and a belt but Sam made me so freaking guilty of spending it O_O Giving me reasons like opportunity costs -_-" "since now you spend on shopping today, you cant buy coffee or eat out for a weak in order for you to save money" Siuuuuu, I tell you ! i seriously feel dam guilty man O_O Omg. Seriously. But nvm la. I love my new ballet pumps at such bargain price. It's worth it Sam! I dont care how bad you made me feel for shopping :D :D Gona wear it to show MeShel this saturday! :P :P HAHAHAHAHAHHA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anne, everything will be alright again.Well, you gotto learn that in life that are fcuk people and there are people that are this way. Like i said and been told, looks can be deceiving hun. Whatever is it that happens will made you a stronger person. I know you are most probably going thru a hell shit time. But despite the kms apart, im here for you to rant. Despite that i cant do much. And please.. sometimes its better to let go and see how it goes. If it is meant for you and its urs, it will come back to you. You feel so confused and piss, i understand. But showing those people out there how you feel is going to make them feel that they win and you are weaker than what they think you are. You are stronger than what those people think about you. Show them babe! I believe in you.. No more tears from you okay! ;) ok. back to studying. *full focus* *full focus*
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