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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I dam emo. I feel as if the world is turning against me. I want something so badly but it's not working out. I should have tell you how I feel when I have the chance to. I should have never let it fade away. Something so precious to me and it still is. If only things are different between us. I would give anything for the way things begin between us. I wish we didnt start of this way. Does the beginning has anything to do with how things end? Walking away is most probably the best dam thing to do. The thing between us is so beautiful but I had to let go... I'm dam lost and confused and feeling so down It's not as easy as it is seems to be. I'm sorry I can't be the person you want me to be. I do wake up every day wishing that I hope that all these are just a bad dream But it's not.... Reality hurts but sometimes you cant avoid it... I cant stop the mixed feelings I constantly having..... Someone help me........ Despite that life is full with obstacles, I still cant help feeling the pain of all these obstacles im facing now... I feel like crying ... cry my heart out but I cant... because no matter how hard I sad I feel, Im just sick of letting you know how deep you impacted me... !-- AddToAny Share/Save BEGIN -->

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