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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What's worth fighting for?

Love like you've never been hurt; live like it's heaven on earth.

This is one thing most of us are unable to do so.

Well, because they always say "once bitten twice shy".

But you would never know the outcome if you ever and still holding on to the "once bitten twice shy" theory.

Yes, I admit because of this theory/principal whatever you want to call it, I have become an egoistic girl.

You never know how big my ego is. Bryan said I have a guy's ego. Sometimes even bigger than any guy's ego.

I don't admit defeat. I done mistakes and I will correct it without any help.

For all the mistakes I had done; be it studies, friendship, work, relationship, I never admit defeat.

But for now, right this time, I am pulling out my white flag.

I am tired. I would fight back what I want right now. I would admit what I want.

For the past years since I know the real meaning of the world is dangerous out there, I've been listening to orders from my parents to do what is right. Studies and work.

And pleasing everyone for god's sake.

My ego has brings me to all these unnecessary events.

I hate to  be the one that has to fight for it.

But at least I tried and has no regret.

And I can tell myself I tried it and done my very best.

A smiling face doesnt mean a smiling heart.

But hey, at least I still am smiling with all the workload and things to do.

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